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Fin Whale photos, pictures and photography

Fin Whales - Balaenoptera physalus

Fin whales are the fastest of all cetaceans, reaching speeds of almost 23 mph and known to completely clear the water. This whale is grey in color on the upper surface and white on the underside. The patterns on the jaw are asymmetrical, being white on the right side and dark on the left, and a large number of grooves extend along the throat to the naval.

The prominent dorsal fin is about 2 feet in length and curves strongly. Males and females tend to be very similar in their general appearance, but females are slightly longer than males. The baleen plates are bluish to grey in color and have white fringes. Click on the Great Whale slide shows to see these incredible cetaceans in action and read his article on whale photography.

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Fin whale photos

Fin whale photos

Fin whale pics

Fin whale photo

Fin whale picture

Fin whale photos

Fin whale picture

Fin whale photos

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